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Statements of faith
What does is mean to be "sanctified"?Sanctify/sanctification: set apart as or declare holy/the action or process of being freed from sin or purified.
What biblical verse was Sanctified founded upon?John 17:15-19 NIV My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. For them, I sanctify myself so that they too might be truly sanctified.
What is the significance of our back patch?Our back patch has three main elements, including; Lantern, broken chain link, candle/flame. Lanterns were created as portable light sources, protecting their light source with translucent windows while illuminating the path ahead. Likewise, Sanctified walks in the authority Christ has given us, carrying His light wherever we go. The broken chain links represent our freedom from bondage of sin through the lifelong process of sanctification. The candle & flame serve as a representation of the trials and tribulations we endure and a reminder that God is with us - even in the fire (Daniel 3).
What is the significance of our colors?Rust borders every patch, symbolizing and honoring the shed blood of Christ. Though blood is red, it changes color as it oxidizes, eventually taking on the hue of rust. This variation of red is a poignant reminder of the blood Jesus shed and the salvation we find through His sacrifice for all mankind. Black serves as the backing for every patch, symbolizing the void of separation from God. Born into a world of sin, we all fall short (Romans 3:23). Bronze is a metal alloy that undergoes a purification process to achieve its final hardened state. When melted, it is as moldable and pliable as clay (Jeremiah 18:5-6), yet it solidifies into a resilient form. Despite its strength, bronze retains its imperfections. This color symbolizes both the biblical standard and values held by Sanctified MM. Just as bronze is shaped by its process, men—though inherently flawed—should remain open to being molded by God while embracing the ruggedness of their existence in this world. The combination of these three colors represents both our belief in the holy trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), as well as the goal for unity between MM, MC and Local Community culture.
Am I the right fit for Sanctified MM?If you’re a Christian man who loves Jesus, motorcycles, and brotherhood - we may be the right fit for you. If you don’t have time to serve and sacrifice, are afraid to get your hands dirty through acts of service, invest time in the community, or turn a wrench with a brother – this is not the ministry for you.
Are you affiliated with or partnered with another organization?Sanctified MM is a proud member of the United Clubs of North Texas. What good is a ministry that refuses to be apart of the community? Sanctified attends and supports events that promote unity. Sanctified is not a subordinate ministry. This means that we have the freedom to fulfill our mission and purpose without interference from a parent ministry or church. At times, Sanctified may partner with other clubs, ministries, businesses, nonprofits, etc. in a collaborative effort to promote an events.
How can I support Sanctified without seeking to become a member?Sanctified MM is a registered 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. 100% of donations made to the ministry are tax-deductible to the donor. every penny donated to sanctified mm goes directly towards ministry outreach and community service efforts. no directors, nor members of this ministry are allowed or able to take any type of pay or incentive from ministry funds.
How does Sanctified view the importance of living in community?Sanctified believes that living in community is fundamental to effective ministry in the world, as exemplified in Acts 2:42-47. Ministry isn't confined to Bible studies or Sunday services; it often manifests in practical acts of love and service. Whether it's dedicating time, energy, and skills to repair a fence for an elderly neighbor or helping build a ramp for a recently amputated veteran, ministry is about meeting people where they are. At Sanctified, we are unashamed to proclaim the name of Jesus, share the good news of salvation, and teach scripture, but we believe in first building trust with our friends before diving deeper into faith.
What expectations do you have for your members?God, Family, Work, Ministry Club At no point should this ministry take precedence over a member's relationship with Christ, family, or career. Our primary ministry should be to our spouses, children, and family, followed by our broader responsibilities. Additionally, this ministry does not replace church attendance, tithing, or involvement; rather, it should complement and be an overflow from a member's relationship with Christ. Membership in this ministry requires genuine commitment and effort. Sanctified believes patches should be earned, not bought. If you cannot commit to a fundamental level of involvement and effort within this brotherhood, then you have no business trying to earn or wear a patch.
Can my wife become a member also?Sanctified is exclusively a brotherhood of men, however, has a role for members' spouses. The role of Sanctified Support is reserved for the legal spouse of each active member. Sanctified MM strongly encourages the integration of family. We believe that family involvement makes the brotherhood stronger.
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